L. J. Fairclough

A self-described ‘polymath and jack of all trades eccentric’ with a love of learning. Also, an Associate Member of the Institute of Quarrying and committee member of the Heavy Clay Technology association. As a student member of the UK’s Green-Party and with a background in Environmental Science, I understand some of the great challenges presented to humanity. Anthropogenic Climate Change, Far Right politics, and the widening gap between the world’s divided peoples- and that is just the tip of the iceburg. These problems, from my view, stem from a lack of scope and and understanding of others- and crucially ourselves.

My ideal is for humanity to strive towards what some call Pan-Humanism. I believe Pan-Humanism to be the next great paradigm for Human Kind. Our shared human ancestors socially progressed from family groups, to tribal bands- Kingdoms, Religious ties and to nation states. what comes next is decided today..

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